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Nomination committee

The Nomination Committee is the preparatory body for the annual general meeting which prepares proposals for the election of the Board of Directors and auditors as well as remuneration to these. The proposals are decided upon at the Annual General Meetings.
Per Bjurbom börsnotering

At the Annual General Meeting held on 20 May 2021, the current Instruction for the Nomination Committee was adopted to apply until further notice.

The Nomination Committee’s tasks include preparing a proposal for the next AGM regarding:

  • Chairman of the AGM
  • Board members
  • Chairman of the Board
  • Remuneration to Board members
  • Remuneration for committee work
  • Amendments of instructions for the Nomination Committee, if deemed necessary
  • Auditors and auditors’ fees, when these matters are to be decided by the following AGM

The Nomination Committee’s proposals are publicly announced no later than on the date of notification of the AGM. Shareholders can submit proposals by contacting the Nomination Committee in due time before AGMs.

For the 2025 AGM, Nordic Paper’s Nomination Committee has the following members:

Andreas Kihlblom, appointed by Sutriv Holding AB
Caroline Sjösten, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder AB
Richard Torgerson, appointed by Nordea Funds Ltd

The chairman of the Nomination Committee is Andreas Kihlblom.

Shareholders wishing to make proposals to the Nomination Committee should submit their proposal in writing via e-mail to: or by mail to: Nordic Paper Holding AB, Att: Valberedningen, Tullhusgatan 1B, 652 26 Karlstad.